Principles of Agile Version Control: From Object-oriented Design to Project-oriented Branching


In this article, the authors explore translation of object-oriented design principles to codelines, branching, and promotion. In addition, they expand on the concept of moving from task-based development (TBD) to project-oriented branching (POB).

 Last month we looked at several principles of object-oriented design and tried to translate them into principles of version-control for task-based development with workspaces, changes, and baselines. This month we extend our translation efforts from OOD principles to codelines, branching, and promotion. The result is that we expand our scope from task-based development to project-oriented branching.

Principles of Object-Oriented Design

The principles of object-oriented design (OOD) address the need to minimize the complexity and impact of change by minimizing dependencies through the use of loosely coupled and highly cohesive classes, interfaces, and packages. These are the logical containers of software functionality. These logical entities are realized in physical containers of version control (configuration elements) in the form of files, libraries, components, and are as follows: 

Principles of Class Design


The Single Responsibility Principle

A class should have one, and only one, reason to change.


The Open-Closed Principle

A class should be open for extension (of its behavior) but closed against modification (of its contents).


The Liskov Substitution Principle

Derived classes must be substitutable for (require no more, and ensure no less than) their base classes.


The Dependency Inversion Principle

Depend on abstract interfaces, not on concrete details.


The Interface Segregation Principle

Make fine grained interfaces that are client specific.


The Law Of Demeter
(Principle of Least Assumed Knowledge)

Objects and their methods should assume as little as possible about the structure or properties of other objects (including its own subcomponents).


The DRY Principle

Don't Repeat Yourself! Every piece of knowledge should have one authoritative, unambiguous representation within the system

Principles of Package Design


The Release Reuse Equivalency Principle

The granule of reuse is the granule of release.


The Common Closure Principle

Classes that change together are packaged together.


The Common Reuse Principle

Classes that are used together are packaged together.

Principles of Package Coupling


The Acyclic Dependencies Principle

The dependency graph of packages shall contain no cycles.


The Stable Dependencies Principle

Depend in the direction of stability.


The Stable Abstractions Principle

Abstractness increases with stability.

Last month we derived from the above several principles related to version control containers in general. This month we wish to go a step further and apply those translations to changes/workspaces, baselines, and codelines to arrive at a concrete set of principles for version control.

As a refresher, when translating the OOD terms to version control terms, we concluded the following:

·       Classes and packages correspond to any version control container: changes, workspaces, versions, configurations, baselines and codelines. Our version control objects are containers that have their own state, contents and unique identifier. Previously published notions of container-based/component-based SCM are a precedent for this frame of thinking.

·       Abstraction/abstractness relates to the liveness or velocity of the flow of change/activity for an item's contents. A more conservative flow tries to conserve present value, while a more progressive flow tries to add value at a faster rate of progress.

·       Stability directly relates to the level of quality assurance of an item. The stability of a container is the extent to which its contents are of consistently reliable quality.

Now lets use these to derive and explore principles of task-based development and principles of change-flow across multiple codelines to support project oriented branching, which is a natural extension of task-based development at the next level of scale and visibility.

General Principles of Container-Based Versioning

To begin, we will review our more general translations from last month, refine them a bit, and give them some names. The ones that are still too vague for our taste won't be listed as general principles, but will still be applied to derive more specific ones.

General Principles of Container-Based Versioning

The Content Encapsulation Principle (CEP)

All version-control knowledge should have a single authoritative, unambiguous representation within the system that is its "container. In all other contexts, the container should be referenced instead of duplicating or referencing its content.



The Container-Based Dependency Principle (CBDP)

Depend upon named containers, not upon their specific contents or context. More specifically, the contents of changes and workspaces should depend upon named configurations/codelines.



The Identification Insulation Principle (IDIP)

A unique name should not identify any parts of its context nor or of its related containers (parent, child or sibling) that are subject to evolutionary change.



The Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP)

The dependency graph of changes, configurations, and codelines should have no cycles.



Note that the CEP is simply the DRY Principle being used to create the version-control equivalent of a "class." The "container" is the unit of encapsulation for our purposes. This is what allows us to apply all the other OOD principles to the domain of version-control.

The CBDP is the equivalent of dependency-inversion. The container, as the unit of encapsulation, is the thing that we should depend upon, instead of directly referencing the content or context of the container. The ADP is practically unchanged from its OOD incarnation, and almost not worth repeating, except that dependency management plays an important role in CM. IDIP is a rather interesting translation of the Law of Demeter (LOD) and bears some further explanation.

Evolution Insulation for Unique Identification

The more specific form of the Law of Demeter states that an object method should invoke the methods of only the following kinds of objects:  a) itself, b) its parameters, c) any objects it creates, or d) its direct component objects. In particular, an object should avoid invoking methods of a member object returned by another method.

In version-control, the containers we use don't really have methods beyond the operations provided by the version control tool. However, there are a couple of things that we end up doing with the tool that come pretty close to being methods or services provided to the rest of the CM system and its users: identification and status-accounting.

Identification of a container is the unique name that we give it in the version repository. These would be the names of things such workspaces, codelines and branches, version labels/tags, and change-sets/change-tasks. We usually try to provide descriptive names for these types of containers that will mnemonically suggest their intended meaning and purpose. When any of these names are used in long-lived queries, metrics, or reports and are used to represent unique keys of data that are used when generating such queries, metrics or reports, it can wreak havoc when a name needs to be changed.

Certainly any queries, metrics and reports should program to an interface, not to an implementation when making use of our containers and their data.  In order to avoid similar types of problems, the names of the containers they do use to access that data need to be treated in a similar fashion. This gives rise to an equivalent of the Law of Demeter for configuration identification.

The Identification Insulation Principle (IDIP)

The name of a container should be insulated against change by ensuring that it identifies only the following kinds of significant information: its intended purpose, controlling inputs, or immediate content. A name should not identify any parts of its context nor or of its parent/child/sibling containers that are subject to evolutionary change. What this means is that the names of things like workspaces, changes/tasks, codelines, etc., should be named after their content and/or their intent. The identifier used should not attempt to describe any context information or association that might change during the lifetime of the object.

Sometimes it is easy to go overboard with identifying more information than is absolutely necessary in the name of a thing. If the name we give it somehow implies an association with some other object, then it creates an undesirable form of dependency if that association does not last. It creates, at the very least, an inconsistency between what the name suggests and the actual relationship. Also, if that object and its name is frequently referenced by others, in other databases, repositories, queries/reports, or in other scripts, then such an inconsistency can actually break things in the SCM environment.

For example, if a task-branch is used, and if the task is intended to be targeted to a particular release, many may include that release-name in the task branch. If there is any real possibility that the change might go into a different release instead, though, then the name would no longer be accurate. Changing the name at that point could wreak havoc if the name was used as a unique identifier of the change in other repositories, databases, reports, etc.

Similar problems often arise in an organization's document naming conventions, especially if document names contain organizational identifiers and the organization frequently undergoes renaming or restructuring.

Principles of Task-Based Development

Principles of Task-Based Development

The Single-Threaded Workspace Principle (STWP)

A private workspace should be used for one and only one development change at a time.



The Change Identification Principle (CHIP)

A change should clearly correspond to one, and only one, development task.



The Change Auditability Principle (CHAP)

A change should be made auditably visible within its resulting configuration.



The Change Transaction Principle (CHTP)

The granule of work is the transaction of change.



 The first two of the above principles (STWP and CHIP) are derived from the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). Here's how:

The Single-Threaded Workspace Principle (STWP)

A private workspace should be used for one and only one development change/task at a time. The STWP is basically a statement about multi-tasking. It says that a worker in a dedicated workspace should work on only one thing at a time within that space.  This is done to avoid the overhead, complexity, and interruption of flow that results from frequent context-switching between multiple tasks.

The Change Identification Principle (CHIP)

A development change should clearly correspond to an intended development task (e.g., for a fix, feature, or enhancement). The CHIP is basically saying that development changes should be transparent to the extent that they are intention-revealing. A change is transparent if its container is visible and can be readily used to reveal its contents.  Also, its container or content should clearly identify the corresponding task behind performing the change. This might be accomplished by associating the change with a record in a tracking system, such as a feature, fix, or enhancement.

Last month, we concluded that the OCP translated to the concept of preserving the identity or essence of its container. What does it mean to preserve the essence of a change? Preserving the essence of change means that if we say a change is in the codeline, we have a way of knowing and showing that its in there, both functionally and physically. We must have a way of detecting and identifying its presence, content, and behavior.

The Change Auditability Principle (CHAP)

A change should be made visible within its resulting configuration. The CHAP goes a step further than the CHIP. The CHIP simply says that a change needs to reveal its intent. The CHAP says a change needs to prove its existence in form, fit, and function. CHIP is a promise that the change is authorized and planned, while CHAP verifies that the promise was fulfilled. Taken together, the CHIP and CHAP are about establishing trustworthy transparency for a change/task. We do this by being able to repeatedly and reproducibly demonstrate and report the request, status, and results of a change, as well as the "who+what+when+where" of a change.  The former is often stored and managed in the tracking system and the latter is typically captured within the version-control repository when the changes are checked-out and in.

The principles of package cohesion (REP, CRP, and CCP) all seem to point to the notion of a change as a single, atomic unit.

The Change Transaction Principle (CHTP)

The CHTP is suggestive of patterns like task-level atomic commits. And last but not least, we have the ISP translating into the ever important, and almost too fundamental to mention, principle of incremental development, even for tasks.

The Incremental/Evolutionary Development Principle:

Develop changes in fine-grained increments that are client-valued. In order to be client-valued, the increments need only to add some portion of requested functionality that can be successfully built and tested. The presumption here is that the increments may be within a task. This principle doesn’t make that very clear, though, nor does it make it clear if change-increments should be separately integrated or not. For this reason, we feel that while the above is certainly important, it's not quite specific enough to claim it is a version-control principle, much less a TBD-specific one.

Principles of Baseline Management

Principles of Baseline Management

The Baseline Integrity Principle (BLIP)

A baseline's historical integrity must be preserved - it must always accurately correspond to what its content was at the time was baselined.



The Promotion Leveling Principle (PLP)

Define fine-grained promotion-levels that are consumer/role-specific.



The Integration/Promotion Principle (IPP)

The scope of promotion is the unit of integration & baselining



One of the first priniciples we considered here was some sort of single configuration principle that would be an application of the SRP to baselines.  A baseline should correspond to one and only one configuration. The single configuration might include other configurations, but the intent is to represent a single configuration for a single purpose. This didn’t seem significant enough to warrant having as a principle. If you disagree, please email us and tell us why, as we are eager for your feedback.

For baselined versions, identity preservation (our translation of OCP) means that if I baseline a version and label/tag the result, then that resulting version name should always correspond to that same set of file versions. It's not okay if it refers to version ten of file “helloworld.c” one day, but refers to version 11 of the same file a week later. If I baseline a version, it means I'm planning on handing it over to some consumer using that version name and making a promise that the version name will forever correspond to that very same content every day thereafter for as long as the project and product is still in use.

The Baseline Integrity Principle (BLIP)

A baseline's historical integrity must be preserved - it must always accurately correspond to what its content was at the time it was baselined. Damon Poole's Timesafe Property makes a very similar statement, but is more focused on the property of an SCM system that is necessary to preserve a baseline's historical accuracy. It assumes that BLIP is already a given and discusses a necessary mechanism to ensure it. From the perspective of dependency management, BLIP is important because it makes a statement about the dependability of baselines and the dependency upon the immutability of the contents associated with the baseline:

·       When we depend upon a baseline, we are depending on the corresponding items and their versions in that baseline.

·       This means that the baseline must maintain referential integrity to its constituent elements and versions ; it must always correspond to the same set of elements & versions.

·       As that baseline becomes more mature and progresses through increasingly higher levels of visibility, the more things there will be that reference it and depend upon it, and the more sacrosanct its dependability becomes.

Last month, we translated ISP to be defining fine-grained acceptance criteria that are client-specific. For configurations, including changes and baselines, this means that the promotion-lifecycle should define its promotion-levels based on acceptance/ readiness criteria for transitioning from one level of user-visibility to another.

The Promotion Leveling Principle (PLP)

Define fine-grained promotion-levels that are consumer/role-specific. One can define numerous levels of quality assurance, but the ones that are important enough to represent new milestones in the evolution of a configuration are when that configuration has successfully transitioned to the next-level consumer in the value-chain.

Finally, for baselines, our interpretation of the package cohesion principles results in equating the granularity of baselining, integration, and even promotion.

The Integration/Promotion Principle (IPP)

The scope of promotion is the unit of integration and baselining.

Principles of Codeline Management

Principles of Codeline Management

The Serial Commit Principle (SCP)

A codeline, or workspace, should receive changes (commits/updates) to a component from only one source at a time.



The Codeline Flow Principle (CLFP)

A codeline's flow of value must be maintained - it should be open for evolution, but closed against disruption of the progress/collaboration of its users.



The Codeline Integrity Principle (CLIP)

Newly committed versions of a codeline should consistently be no less correct or complete than the previous version of the codeline.



The Collaboration/Flow Integration Principle (CFLIP)

The throughput of collaboration is the cumulative flow of integrated changes.



The Incremental Integration Principle (IIP)

Define frequent integration milestones that are client-valued.



Our interpretation of the Single Responsibility Principle for Codelines is:

The Serial Commit Principle (SCP)

A Codeline, or workspace, should receive changes (commits/updates) to a component from only one source at a time. Whereas STWP was about the act of making/creating change, SCP is about the act of integrating change and synchronizing the contents of a container. SCP says that, while it is perfectly normal for multiple people to work on many different things during the time, only one source at a time (a workspace or another codeline) should be allowed to transfer changes to our codeline. There should be no concurrent commits attempting to update the same codeline for the same component at the same time.

In practice, strict adherance to SCP might be controversial, particularly to those claiming it imposes a severe bottleneck on the flow of development changes when a large number of people are working on the same codeline, or a lot of very small non-overlapping tasks are happening during the same period of time. If we do decide to violate SCP however, we will definitely pay the price either by accepting greater risk, or else imposing other process restrictions and rules (or even creating other codelines) to mitigate that risk.

Next up is OCP. It was pretty easy to apply to baselines, but what about codelines? When a change is made to a codeline, it results in a new current configuration of the codeline. This new configuration then becomes the basis for all collaborative work stemming from, and eventually integrating back into, the codeline. If the codeline is broken as a result of this change, it then breaks for everyone else that (re)uses that configuration. If that happens, we have just disrupted the flow of collaboration and progress for the codeline. The essence of a codeline is its flow and our goal is to preserve the steady flow of collaboration and progress contributing to the value-stream that the codeline represents

The Codeline Flow Principle (CLFP)

A codeline's flow of value must be maintained. It should be open for evolution, but closed against disruption of the progress/collaboration of its users. The BLIP was about keeping baselines frozen, but the CLFP is about keeping codelines flowing! Laura Wingerd developed an equivalent rule to the CLFP called the Golden Rule of Collaboration: Always accept stabilizing changes. Never impose destabilizing changes. We achieve this by establishing a codeline invariant: a set of collaboration criteria/constraints that the codeline's users can rely upon to be preserved. This is often done using a codelinepolicy. The codeline invariant specifies the required degree of 'C'-worthiness (correctness, completeness, consistency, and cadence) of changes flowing through it to enable the needed amount and rate of collaboration and progress.

Last month we interpreted the LSP as a statement of Evolution Integrity, but we need to determine what a derived container is. Within the flow of a codeline, the current configuration is derived from it's predecessor configuration, as suggested by Anne Mette Hass. Because of this, derived versions of a codeline should be able to be substituted for their base versions. This means that committing a new change to the codeline must consistently preserve the correctness of the codeline. Since the context of the codeline will be reused by the next task or workspace update, each committed configuration must be no less correct or consistent than it's predecessor.

The Codeline Integrity Principle (CLIP)

Newly commited versions of a codeline must consistently be at least as usable as the previous version of the codeline. For many development shops, this is just a fancy way of saying to not break the build.  The basic tenet is to ensure that each change adds value to the codeline without compromising its quality or steady flow of progress.

The way that ISP applies to codelines is regarding integration milestones within a single codeline. This principle is so commonly known to many that it seems almost too obvious to bother saying, but it nonetheless needs to be said.

The Incremental Integration Principle (IIP)

Define frequent integration milestones that are client-valued. Many of us know the perils of big bang integration. It’s difficult to know just how frequently and incrementally we should integrate our work and make it visible to higher levels of the enterprise. The IIP gives us some general advice, but no specific recommendations. Perhaps the principles relating to evolution granularity can help us? When applying package cohesion principles to codelines, we arrived at the following?

The Collaboration/Flow Integration Principle (CFLIP)

The throughput of collaboration is the cumulative flow of integrated changes. The CFLIP says that collaboration is the source of value-generation (it constitutes both the source of change and reuse) and that the collaboration for a change is not finished until it is built+tested (intregrated) so as to be releasable (ready for reuse).

Principles of Branching & Merging

Principles of Branching & Merging

The Codeline Nesting Principle (CLNP)

Child codelines should merge and converge back to (and be shorter-lived than) their base/parent codeline.



The Progressive-Synchronization Principle (PSP)

Synchronizing change should flow in the direction of historical progress (from past to present, or from present to future): more conservative codelines should not sync-up with more progressive codelines; more progressive codelines should sync-up with more conservative codelines.



The Codeline Branching Principle (CLBP)

Create child branches for value-streams that cannot "go with the flow" of the parent.



The Stable Promotion Principle (SPP)

Changes and configurations should be promoted in the direction of increasing stability.



The Stable History Principle (SHIP)

A codeline should be as stable as it is "historical": The less evolved it is (and hence more mature/conservative), the more stable it must be.



For our interpretation of the LSP, another form of derivation in version control is when a new branch or codeline is branched from a particular point off of its parent codeline. The branchpoint is the baseline (r foundation configuration for the new branch. The new branch inherits all content from its parent codeline, while being allowed to evolve separately and, unless it is a permanent variant, usually diverges from its parent or base codeline for a limited period of time.  It then either promotes or propagates changes back to its parent at periodic intervals.

At the time it merges back into its parent, the CLIP then mandates that the integrity of the base/parent codeline must once again be maintained. Regardless of whether the child branch is for maintenance purposes or for new development, the parent codeline should be longer-lived than the child. Also, the child should merge back to its parent, possibly multiple times as well as at completion.

The Codeline Nesting Principle (CLNP)

Child codelines should merge and converge back to, and be shorter-lived than, their base/parent codelines. The CLNP actually conveys fundamental advice about the branching structure of a component or product. It says to use a simple, recursive hierarchical structure, similar to the preferred control-flow structure (and indentation format) of statements in a computer program. The CLNP suggests avoiding the continual cascading/staircase style of branching and instead points us in the direction of theMainline pattern for organizing our branching structures using nested synchronization. [2], [10]

 The CLNP also seems to share a great deal in common with the portion of Laura Wingerd's Base-Codeline Protocol that says that changes should always flow from child codelines to their base/parent codelines. The other half of the base-codeline protocol addresses the main difference between the two scenarios above: changes flow from parent to child only when the child is for new development and not when it is for legacy maintenance. This is necessary to maintain the integrity of both codelines while also preserving the relationship between them. The CLNP doesn't go quite this far, but perhaps one of our later principles will. If changes should always flow from child-codelines to their parent-codelines (CLNP), then when, if ever, should changes flow in the reverse direction (from parent to child)? In general, we have three basic kinds of codelines and change-flow:

·       New development and change promotion: Development lines are used to create new functionality (value-adding changes). Such changes are promoted when they are merged from a workspace are committed to a codeline.

·       Legacy maintenance and change propagation: Maintenance lines are used to make fixes and enhancements (value-preserving changes) to help stabilize and maintain an existing release of the software. Such changes are merged  from a maintenance codeline where they were already integrated and tested, to a subsequent codeline that will also benefit from the fix or enhancement.

·       Mainstream integration and synchronization: A mainstream integration codeline is for integrating the latest and greatest stable state of progress. New development changes are synchronized (or updated or rebaselined/ rebased) from their main codeline by merging the current configuration of the parent to the workspace/branch containing the new development change. 

A codeline basically represents an effort to either maintain the past, coordinate the present, or develop the future. Change-flows either propagate stabilizing change, synchronize shared progress, or promote new value. Note also that both propagation and synchronization are basically updating previous context while promotion is creating new content.

More progressive codelines should be synchronized from their more conservative parents, but the opposite is not true.  More conservative (e.g., maintenance) codelines should not be synchronized from the more progressive parents. Given our earlier translation of abstractness to conservative, this would seem to be a valid interpretation of dependency inversion as applied to codelines and change-flow.

The Progressive Synchronization Principle (PSP)

Synchronization should flow in the direction of historical progress, from past to present, or from present to future. More conservative codelines should not sync-up with more progressive codelines and more progressive codelines should sync-up with more conservative codelines.

As we might have expected, this is almost the exact equivalent of the second half of Laura Wingerd's Base-Codeline Protocol [8]: changes flow from parent to child only when the child needs to be more stable than the parent. The PSP uses the term "more conservative” instead of more "stable" or "safe."

Are stability and conservativism the same thing? Not according to our domain translations from before. We previously equated stability with safety and abstractness with conservativism.

Similarly, for codelines, there may be many different temptations to branch off a new codeline, but the ones that are significant enough to truly warrant a separate codeline are when the new branch either adds or preserves value for its customers, and/orimproves or preserves the flow of its parent codeline.

A prime example of adding/preserving value would be a maintenance branch to support a legacy release. Here it is assumed there is either additional support revenue to be gained, or significant business-loss to be avoided (enough to make it worthwhile to support and maintain the new codeline).

An example of preserving flow would be the Release-Line and Active Development-Line patterns. Ideally, one could get away with using only the release-line, but the difference in audience and criteria for the active-line is enough that it would significantly disrupt the flow of the parent release-line.  The parent's collaboration requirements would impose too much development friction against the flow of the child development-line.

For codelines, the ISP gives us some rules for when it is appropriate to create a new branch off of the "current" codeline.

The Codeline Branching Principle (CLBP)

Create child branches for value-streams that cannot "go with the flow" of the parent.

Here, go with flow simply means that the existing codeline invariant (its required levels of correctness, consistency, completeness, and its cadence) can't meet the needs of both sets of prospective codeline users. Because of this, it needs to split by branching off a separate stream of change-flow for the two competing/conflicting sets of users. This would seem to be a restatement of the branch on incompatible policy rule.

Other applications of this are evidenced by task branches and private branches for in-progress changes and exploratory/experimental work, or multiple levels of "active" development lines that may correspond to work being performed and integrated across multiple sites and timezones.

The package coupling principles of OOD translates almost directly to version-control, with only slight modification.  Sometimes dependency translates into flow, but note that change-flow does not imply dependency.

The Stable Promotion Principle (SPP)

Changes and configurations should be promoted in the direction of increasing stability.


The Stable History Principle (SHIP)

A codeline should be as stable as it is "historical": The less evolved it is (and hence more mature/conservative), the more stable it must be. In Robert Martin's book, when discussing the ADP, SDP, and SAP, he describes some measures of stability and abstractness and then plots the stability. He further describes what he calls the main sequence, which is the line through the origin identifying all points of equal abstractness and stability. When we translate these three principles into version-control terms, the so-called main sequence seems to directly correlate to Laura Wingerd's "Tofu Scale" of the relative "firmness" of a codeline [8],[12].


We hope that these ideas and discussions prove useful to the reader. We are very interested in feedback on any of these principles, especially the names and accuracy of the translations from OOD terms to version-control terms. This set of principles is still a work-in-progress and, of course, we reserve the right to modify them as our understanding of them matures.


1) Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices; by Robert C. Martin; Prentice-Hall, 2002.   

2) Software Configurationanagement Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration; by Stephen Berczuk and Brad Appleton; Addison-Wesley, November 2002.A Software

3) Configuration Management Model for Supporting Component-Based Software Development; by Hong Mei, Lu Zhang, Fuqing Yang; ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 26, Issue 2; (March 2001), pp. 53-58; ISSN:0163-5948

4) A Component-Based Software Configuration Management Model And Its Supporting System; by Hong Mei, Lu Zhang, Fuqing Yang; Journal of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 17, Issue 4; (July 2002), pp.432 - 441; ISSN:1000-9000

5) Container-Based SCM and Inter-File Branching; by Laura Wingerd; 1st BCS CMSG Conference, April 2003

6) Flexible Configuration Management for a Component-based Software Asset Repository; by Tom Brett; BCS CMSG event: Why Software Asset Management and Configuration Management is essential, March 2004 (also see accompanying presentation)

7) The Timesafe Property: A Formal Statement of Immutability in CM; by Damon Poole Wingerd; submitted to the 8th International Symposium on System Configuration Management (SCM-8) in Brussels, Belgium, July 1998.

8) "The Flow of Change"; by Laura Wingerd; presented at SD West 2005 and the 2005 Perforce User's Conference.

9) Configuration Management Principles and Practice; by Anne Mette Hass; Addison-Wesley, December 2002. Chapter 1, "What is Configuration Management?" (available online)

10) Streamed Lines: Branching Patterns for Parallel Software Development; by Brad Appleton, Steve Berczuk et. al.; Proceedings of the 1998 Workshop on Pattern Languages of Program Design.

11) High-level Best Practices in Software Configuration Management; by Laura Wingerd, Chris Seiwald; Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on 12) 12) Software Configuration Management (I-SCM8), Brussels, July 1998; (also presented at the 1998 Perforce User's Conference, June 1998)

13) Practical Perforce: Channeling the Flow of Change in Software Development Collaboration; by Laura Wingerd; O'Reilly & Associates, 2005. Chapter 7, "How Software Evolves"

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