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What is the difference between testing & debugging? Share your knowledge about testing.

I'm interested in developing an eWallet app that can handle cryptocurrency payments. What are the key steps, technologies, and best practices I should consider? Are there any specific frameworks or APIs that can facilitate cryptocurrency integration? I'd appreciate insights and advice from those experienced in eWallet and cryptocurrency app development.

Thanks in advance!

Hello All, I am new in this community and I am working on an automation testing project "Web Automation (Beginner Level)". I want to know which tool is best for this project between Selenium IDE, LambdaTest, Appium, Kobiton, Katalon Studio, TestComplete, and Cucumber from here. Any Suggestions?

What are you best practices to ensure you don't have to rollback release? Better release testing? performance testing?

How do I start learning automation testing with little knowledge of python programming language?

Hi everyone,


I'm planning to develop an e-wallet app and I'm wondering how much it will cost. I've done some research online, but I'm getting a wide range of answers. I'm hoping to get some insights from people who have actually developed e-wallet apps.


Could you please share your experience with me? How much did it cost to develop your e-wallet app? What factors affected the cost? Are there any tips you can share to save money on development costs?

Can anyone introduce a performance testing tool that you feel good about. I am currently using this called PerfDog. It includes a deep analysis mode, offering in-depth insights into CPU scheduling, usage, thread running states, call stacks, and rendering screenshots. It allows me to pinpoint performance issues at the function or module level, enabling timely optimization and repairs. Additionally, PerfDog embraces collaboration with a web data management platform, facilitating multiple human collaboration analyses for comprehensive performance evaluation.


Hey Testing Community! 

Our QA team is currently exploring new tools for performance testing and PerfDog has caught our attention. They support Android, iOS, and Web platforms, also seems to integrate well with CI/CD pipelines.

We're now considering switching to PerfDog, but before we make a decision, we'd love to hear from anyone who has used it. Could you share your experiences, the pros and cons, and how it stacks up against other popular tools like JMeter?

Hello, everyone!


I've been working as a manual tester for over 3 years now, and I've encountered various challenges along the way. One of the most critical aspects that I feel often gets overlooked is developing a robust test plan. While Automated Testing gets much attention, especially in discussions about CI/CD pipelines, I believe that manual testing still plays an essential role in software development, especially for testing usability, exploring edge cases, and ensuring the quality of the final product.


 How to use Selenium with C# in Visual Studio Code?

Check below use case for Login screen,

Now for field title and subtitles font family should be “Roboto” (just example). And font size should be "10" and Font color should be “#DCDCDC” for example.

Now how do I verify it mobile app is satisfying above requirements or not? It can be done manually but it's time consuming and chance of human error. So pls suggest any tool or app that will identify the font style of any mobile app developed either in Native or Hybrid.



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