Agile Dev, Better Software & DevOps Conference East 2016


Agile Metrics: Make Better Decisions with Data

Some consider measurement in agile development destructive—or at the very least useless. Larry Maccherone disagrees and offers insight into how you can use metrics in an agile environment to make life better. How do you know when you are ready to introduce metrics into the environment?

Larry Maccherone

Agile Requirements—From Breadth to Depth

Requirements elicitation and documentation can be frustrating in an agile process. Some interpret the Agile Manifesto statement “working software over comprehensive documentation” to mean that no requirements documentation is warranted because the code documents the requirements. Others...

Ken Pugh

Agile Snafus: When Good Teams Go Bad

Agile done well can lead to great successes—rapid delivery of business and user value, high product quality, fast time to market, and engineering productivity. Agile done poorly leads to skepticism of the methodologies, distrust of the principles, and failure to deliver—in essence, a snafu...

James Waletzky

Build Adaptable Teams: The Marine Corps Way

Shrinking budgets, increased workloads, and ever-changing demands challenge today’s product teams to adapt and learn to do more with less. Since its birth in 1775, the United States Marine Corps has faced similar trials. The key to the Corps’ survival—not unlike that of a product team—has...

Anne Steiner

Build Fail-Proof Tests in Any Browser with Selenium

What happens when you have thousands of tests that run beautifully in Chrome but many of them fail in Internet Explorer? Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for testers and remains a major sore point for teams tasked with getting software to work in any browser. Kevin Berg...

Kevin Berg

Conquer the Murky Waters of Test Automation

A solid test automation implementation is key to any foray into continuous delivery. Although the test automation waters may look peaceful and pristine, anyone who has jumped in to automate testing complex systems has found the waters to be troubled and murky. Tests take too long to run...

Brian Saylor

Demystifying DevOps: Capital One’s Journey toward Continuous Delivery

Many companies are either talking about DevOps or already working toward adoption. Books and conferences around DevOps abound, and it seems that everyone is hiring DevOps engineers. What impact does adopting DevOps have on a company and its people? What does DevOps look like from the...

Adam Auerbach

DevOps Is More than Dev and Ops: It’s about Tearing Down Walls

The word DevOps is quickly becoming the new Agile—an overused word that has lost its meaning. Cutting through the jargon, Lee Eason gets to the heart of what DevOps means, where it came from, and why it is crucial for your company to embrace it. If you want to deliver on the promise of...

Lee Eason

Don't Ask "Can You Hear Me Now?" Start Listening Instead

Most of us believe we are good listeners. However, we often overestimate this skill and are hard-wired to short change it by making assumptions, providing answers, and jumping in when we think we know what people are trying to say. In doing so, we rob ourselves of the chance to encourage...

Judith Mills

Enable Your Workers … You’ll Be Amazed What They Can Do

It’s as true today as it was in 1986 when W. Edwards Deming published Out of the Crisis and wrote, “Remove barriers that rob people … of their right to pride of workmanship.” Companies everywhere implement processes, hire staff, and install tools to help them meet their business objectives.

Bob Jarvis


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