STARWEST 2000 - Software Testing Conference


The Art and Science of Load Testing Internet Applications

A recent survey shows that load testing is the top testing priority for Internet companies, surpassing functionality and regression testing as well as other forms of performance testing. In this presentation, Alberto Savoia discusses the core principles and techniques necessary for highly realistic and revealing Web site load tests, and shows you how to avoid the most common load testing mistakes.

Alberto Savoia, Keynote
The Evolution of Testing Internet Products at Charles Schwab

As one of the nation's largest financial services firms, Charles Schwab is under intense pressure to meet customer needs, handle high and extremely volatile volumes, and respond to competitive pressures. Hugh Westermeyer describes the processes and tools currently being used in the Electronic Brokerage organization and the history behind them. Learn why testing is not enough to meet this company's customer demands--and why testing, tools, and processes are all required for an Internet-driven business to succeed.

Hugh Westermeyer, Charles Schwab
The Habits of Highly Effective Testers

You've gone to class and learned about the latest testing tools and techniques. You feel academically enriched and ready to change the world. But has all this preparation truly equipped you to become an effective tester? Revisit the fundamental habits that are the essence of effective testers. Discover how these habits have become the foundations from which great testers draw their seemingly innate ability to find the important bugs quickly.

Andy Overly, NetIQ Corporation
Use Your Host Computer--To Test

What if we could find a way that would allow us to create tests that worked as well (or better) in an open system environment. This would make the same tests available to anyone and not restrict them to only the tester. No matter haw hard you work in the closed test environment you can never get more work done then you are capable of. But
if we could run in an open test environment we would be able to multiplex the testing
impact on the product many times over. To use a phrase from Object Oriented

Bill Robson, WRQ
Validation and Component-Based Development

Component-based development is the practice of constructing software applications from new or existing encapsulated language-independent modules. In his presentation, David Wood details a case study on the use of opaque-box testing, coupled with code coverage and pre-/post-conditions, to provide validated software components. Learn about component-based development and how to apply it to your projects.

Rob Harris, Harris Corporation and David Wood, Applied Object Engineering
What Can I Do When the Project is in Trouble: A Test Manager's Perspective

Most projects don't get into trouble; they start in trouble. In organizations where problem projects aren't identified early, testing is at the bottom of the hill: test teams get the job of delivering the bad news or "testing in quality." Discover ways to spot trouble and manage the risk before the product gets to test. Look for the early warning signs of missed milestones, moving targets, and management madness.

Esther Derby, Esther Derby Associates, Inc.


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