usability Questions

im currently facing a challenge i need to automate spark jobs ( basically spark jobs trigger the job which takes data from input tables and put into output tables ...these are hive tables)  is there any tool or way to automate end to end effectively.....thanks in advance..any approaches are welcome

I am developing  a wordpress Website and Just wanted to know how can i test it. is there any tool for that?


how to test vulnerability of ecommerce, whether the applied security is properly working or not?

whether the website can be hacked by anyone or not

Am using selenium web driver for switching between windows,the code works in windows and Linux with all browser combinations but it is not working in I Phone .

Please let me know whether this switching between windows works in I Phone or not.

As there are very limited resources regarding this issue,so please kindly support me to know what causes this issue.

Please help me.


By Pramod Kumar - June 21, 20141 Answer

Whenever I am trying to install any OS on VM Ware Ver. 7.1 I am getting one pop message "Not Enough physical memeory is available to power on the virtual machine with its configured settings. To fix the ptoblem incerase the amoumt of physical memory  for all virtual machines to 455 MB  or adjust  the additional memory settings to allow more virtual machines memory to be swapped."


How should I remove this error to install the OS to VM Ware. Please help me out.


What importance does you company put on the usability of its products? Do they focus on desinging and testing for usability?

If not, why not?

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