quality assurance


seven Seven Essentials for DevOps Success

The success of DevOps depends on the team’s ability to have the right mix of human judgment, culture, process, tools, and automation. Here are seven essentials to help you be cautious and prepare for your DevOps journey.

Jagadish Anandhan's picture Jagadish Anandhan
embrace Three Ways to Help Developers Embrace Testing

Development teams that shift testing left discover bugs earlier, enhance developer productivity, and increase release velocity by avoiding the long and costly delays that occur when bugs are discovered at the end of the development cycle. Shifting left creates faster feedback loops and allows for faster bug remediation. 

Alissa Lydon's picture Alissa Lydon
Man Learning Java for QA Automation Engineers: How to Learn?

If you are a manual tester and want to be a QA automation engineer, learn Java and programming via these 10 steps.

John  Selawsky's picture John Selawsky
Focus on Quality Let’s Focus More on Quality and Less on Testing

In order to understand a tester's value, we need to look at the role and understand the impact of the changing development process on this role.

Joel Montvelisky's picture Joel Montvelisky
As Test Automation Matures, So Do False Positives

In life and in test automation, a lot of things change as you mature—the challenges you face, the types of failures you experience, and the best ways to solve them. Let’s skip the “life lessons” and focus on the test automation angle here

Wolfgang Platz's picture Wolfgang Platz
Most Common QA Myths

One of my mentors, whom I admire, once told me, "Quality is not only QA's responsibility; everyone- from development engineers to technical architects, to product managers need to share the responsibilities. In a QA role, if you want to be successful, you have to know the right amount of information from everyone and always ask questions." I took my mentor's advice very seriously. 

Dilruba Malik's picture Dilruba Malik
Computer showing fire on the screen Strengthening System Resilience with Chaos Engineering

Testing continuous technological change can seem like chaos. There are many challenges that need to be managed, such as unavailability of power, excessive temperature, incorrect configuration, unexpected behavior of services, network downtime, and processing slowdown in production. By deliberately engineering chaos, we’ll be able to discover many of our systems’ weaknesses before our users do.

Hand placing block in row of blocks with left arrows Fitting In Regression Testing by Shifting QA Left

Fixing a bug in one area of the software may break something in another area. To detect whether defects have been introduced, we need to perform regression testing—executing certain test cases again to see whether a change has affected other existing features. But how do you make time for another testing cycle prior to every production release? You need to get QA involved earlier in the software development lifecycle.

Shuja Naqvi's picture Shuja Naqvi
Tester and developer shaking hands across a table How to Collaborate on a Brand-New QA Team

As a quality analyst, when you raise a bug, developers sometimes react as if you were personally attacking their job. The situation can be even more difficult if you are starting a new QA team, where you will work with people who have never had the quality assurance component. Here is some advice for ways you can be effective when you’re starting on a team that has never worked with quality analysts before.

Juan Pablo Aguirre's picture Juan Pablo Aguirre
QA professionals performing continuous testing How Continuous Testing Is Done in DevOps

DevOps does speed up your processes and make them more efficient, but companies must focus on quality as well as speed. QA should not live outside the DevOps environment; it should be a fundamental part. If your DevOps ambitions have started with only the development and operations teams, it’s not too late to loop in testing. You must integrate QA into the lifecycle in order to truly achieve DevOps benefits.

Junaid Ahmed's picture Junaid Ahmed


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