quality assurance


Woman wearing a hard hat and working with a machine Blending Machine Learning and Hands-on Testing

As your QA team grows, manual testing can lose the ability to focus on likely problem areas and instead turn into an inefficient checkbox process. Using machine learning can bring back the insights of a small team of experienced testers. By defining certain scenarios, machine learning can determine the probability that a change has a serious defect, so you can evaluate risk and know where to focus your efforts.

James Farrier's picture James Farrier
Cursor hovering over the word "Security" on a computer screen Integrating Security and Testing Practices

QA and information security use different methods to approach the same goals. When both groups work together, they can make a greater impact on the security of our products. Here's how the QA team can collaborate with infosec to implement strong security standards, prioritize what to test, and obtain quicker feedback on processes, ultimately seeing fewer production incidents related to security.

Sylvia Killinen's picture Sylvia Killinen
Team members fitting puzzle pieces together Whole-Team Testing for Whole-Team Quality

Whole-team testing means the whole team understands and participates in testing, using testing education as a tool to support quality efforts. And to be able to support testing in a meaningful way, team members must experience how testing is done by professional testers. Understanding skilled testing can help non-testers realize what quality criteria should be there and what elements of a product contribute to great quality.

Lalit Bhamare's picture Lalit Bhamare
Infinity symbol with test automation gear incorporated Test Everywhere: A Journey into DevOps and Continuous Testing

A move to DevOps creates an opportunity to shift the testing process to the left. But what if you went further? DevOps supports continuous testing, so you can advocate for a constant focus on quality, with testing permeating the entire software development process. Here's how you can actually have a faster testing process when the software is tested throughout the lifecycle, by developers, testers, and automation alike.

"Wrong Way" road sign To Get Quality Software, Let Them Fail

As an advocate for quality, you look at the product, take into account time, budget, and other business constraints, and recommend fixes to ship a product with the best possible quality. ... And the businesspeople in production don’t want to fix it. How can you communicate bugs and risk to people who don't want to listen? Instead of getting frustrated, you need to frame issues in a meaningful way—and, if you have to, let people fail.

Matt Heusser's picture Matt Heusser
Software engineer pouring coffee into a mug that says "UGH" 11 Reasons Behavior-Driven Development Can Fail

There are a lot of advantages to behavior-driven development, but there are also a lot of challenges you can encounter during the implementation. Knowing is half the battle, so be aware of these eleven common stumbling blocks to BDD adoption and outline plans to mitigate them beforehand, and you’ll be able to start reaping the benefits of BDD sooner.

Evgeny Tkachenko's picture Evgeny Tkachenko
Person holding magnifying glass up to computer screen to find a bug 6 Ways Testers Can Add Value (Other Than Functional Testing)

Many testers spend their time doing functional testing and don't come out of this cocoon. But software testing is all about discovering quality-related information to assist stakeholders in making informed decisions, and there are multiple ways to discover information in addition to functional testing. Here are six actions that will help you add more value to your projects.

Ajay Balamurugadas's picture Ajay Balamurugadas
Gauge with a needle in the green zone, showing good performance 7 Simple Tips for Better Performance Engineering

Rigorous practices to reinforce performance and resilience, and testing continuously for these aspects, are great ways to catch a problem before it starts. And as with many aspects of testing, the quality of the performance practice is much more important than the quantity of tests being executed. Here are seven simple tips to drive an efficient performance and resilience engineering practice.

Franck Jabbari's picture Franck Jabbari
A robot hand touching a keyboard 5 Things That Will Impact the Future of Software Testing

From the way we look at software, evaluate risks, think about complexity, design our test approach and strategy, and help to release a stable product to the customer, technology has had an influence on how we test software. And that influence will only continue as technology advances. On a high level, here are five key things we’re already seeing that are going to shape the future of software testing.

Raj Subrameyer's picture Raj Subrameyer
Sparkly "2017" sign Top 10 StickyMinds Articles of 2017

With the rise of technology like AI and practices like DevOps, teams everywhere are looking for ways to speed up testing without sacrificing quality. The articles in 2017 reflect that, with the most popular topics being test automation, testing machine learning systems, next-generation exercises, and the future of software testing. If you're looking for cutting-edge testing techniques, check out this roundup.

Heather Shanholtzer's picture Heather Shanholtzer


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