quality assurance


Bug Tracker Clean Up Your Bug Tracker and Keep Numbers Manageable

A good team likely is trained to consistently report defects as accurately and promptly as possible. This means that over time the bug backlog builds up, and looking for what bugs to fix starts to seem like searching for a needle in a haystack. The best way to keep your tracker under control is to improve the quality curve earlier.

Timothy Western's picture Timothy Western
Software Quality Being the Devil’s Advocate for Software Quality

What if someone were to say that most of the time, quality does not matter? That you should only aim for the minimal amount of investment in testing to get the product out the door to start making money? Here, Rob Cross takes the “devil’s advocate” position and provides some arguments against striving for quality. How would you refute them?

Rob Cross's picture Rob Cross
Crowdsourced Testing Crowdsourced Testing Lets Your Apps “Go Wild”

It simply isn’t feasible to test every possible user scenario with a new app, and the testers who already know how the app should perform can't approach using it the same way as someone unfamiliar with the process. Enter crowdsourced testing, where you gather a customizable pool of people from outside your organization to test your apps for defects and usability.

Joe Schulz's picture Joe Schulz
A team of people around the globe 8 Simple Ways to Improve Distributed QA Teams

Geographically distributed QA teams and the challenges that they face are a common and ongoing topic in the software development world. In this article, Kevin Wilson focuses attention on eight simple solutions that can help maximize the effectiveness of your distributed QA team.

Kevin Wilson's picture Kevin Wilson
Performance Tester Avoid Becoming a Lonely Cowboy Performance Tester

In the Wild West movies, the cowboys do not typically have a lot of friends; they follow no rules but their own, and their way of settling an issue is by shooting each other. In the wild world of software performance testing, without the support from people around and above you, it will be impossible to get anything done. You don’t have to be a lonely cowboy.

Jun Zhuang's picture Jun Zhuang
Looking for Bugs When Looking for Bugs, Look beyond the Software

A tester's job is to provide information about elements of the system that might make a user unhappy. But Jon Hagar finds that many testers implement limited tours, even when they have robust programs. He writes that when looking for bugs, testers need to look beyond the software to the system and the user scenarios, too.

Jon Hagar's picture Jon Hagar
Drive Your Testing Coverage Using Business Decisions to Drive Your Testing Coverage

In a business setting, software testers have a great challenge: to articulate how they support the business lines. One way to approach this is by addressing the business decisions—and there are plenty around. Use them to drive your testing activities and increase the business decisions being covered by testing.

Jesper Ottosen's picture Jesper Ottosen
Analysts Craft How Analysts Can Show Craftsmanship in Their Work

A craftsman could be defined by having enough experience to anticipate and prevent clients' problems before they even know they are going to have them. How might craftsmanship be manifested in analysis work? Terry Wiegmann captured some practices analysts can employ to demonstrate craftsmanship to their customers.

Terry Wiegmann's picture Terry Wiegmann
Code Coverage Is Code Coverage a Silver Bullet?

While code coverage is a good number to look at in terms of reach achieved in a testing cycle, is it foolproof? Is this metric a silver bullet for understanding the team’s coverage and vouching for testing scope? In short, no. But it is a vital step on the way to solving your testing coverage issues.

Mukesh Sharma's picture Mukesh Sharma
Quality Engineering Lessons I Go Back: Valuable Lessons in Quality Engineering

Terry Wiegmann noticed that in certain conversations with clients and team members, a single phrase can take her back to some “aha” moments when she grasped fundamental quality concepts. She shares some of these major learning moments throughout her career and how they can apply to quality engineering.

Terry Wiegmann's picture Terry Wiegmann


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