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Timelapse photo of cars speeding down a road How to Accelerate Your Release Cycles with Agile Testing[article]

With the traditional waterfall method of testing, achieving quality and faster time to market is difficult. Agile testing has emerged as an alternative, where development and testing take place simultaneously instead of operating in their respective silos. Let’s look at what it means to perform agile testing, what practices are necessary, and how agile testing can benefit your software releases.

Akshaya Choudhary's picture Akshaya Choudhary
Collage of keynote speaker headshots Lightning Strikes the Agile + DevOps East Keynotes[video]

Lightning Talks are a series of five-minute talks giving speakers the opportunity to deliver their single biggest bang-for-the-buck idea in a rapid-fire presentation. Watch all the Agile + DevOps East 2019 lightning keynote presentations in one place—and have some fun at the same time.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Melissa Benua Whole Team Quality: A Conversation with Melissa Benua[interview]

Melissa Benua, director of engineering at mParticle, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about the importance of whole team quality, how to get started using the test pyramid, and how developers can start writing testable code.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Agile developers and testers collaborating Testing in Agile: How to Get Started[article]

There is a lot of interest in organizations around a transformation to agility. However, the focus is usually on agile development, so it may not be clear how software testing is done in agile. If you're responsible for leading your testing teams, don't let them be left behind. Here’s how you can make testers part of the transformation, too—step by step, because this is agile, after all.

Balazs Schaffhauser's picture Balazs Schaffhauser
Dan McFall Sponsored Interview: DevOps Trends in Enterprise Mobility[interview]

Dan McFall, president and CEO at Mobile Labs, chats with TechWell community manager Owen Gotimer about trends in enterprise mobility, the role DevOps and the cloud play in mobile application testing, and the transition to working from home.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Coins falling Where Your Money Is Lost in Testing[article]

Companies that want to reduce testing costs usually try working with fewer people, or even cutting back on the amount of testing done. But with those approaches, quality usually suffers. Releasing a critical bug and suffering the subsequent pain usually costs multiple times what testing would. There are better ways to save money, and it can be done just by being smarter about our test cases and their structure.

Maximilian Bauer's picture Maximilian Bauer
Tester and developer shaking hands across a table How to Collaborate on a Brand-New QA Team[article]

As a quality analyst, when you raise a bug, developers sometimes react as if you were personally attacking their job. The situation can be even more difficult if you are starting a new QA team, where you will work with people who have never had the quality assurance component. Here is some advice for ways you can be effective when you’re starting on a team that has never worked with quality analysts before.

Juan Pablo Aguirre's picture Juan Pablo Aguirre
Chris Loder The Lazy Student's Guide to Test Automation: A Conversation with Chris Loder[interview]

Chris Loder, automation architect at Upland InGenius, chats with TechWell staff about how test automation and laziness can help drive quality within organizations.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
Man training a dog to sit How Humans and Bots Can Work Together to Test Software[article]

We’ve all heard about AI for software testing from some seriously smart people, but there has been a lot of confusion about the idea. This article tackles some of the questions you might be asking: Do I need to be a genius to use AI for software testing? Is AI going to replace me as a tester? Where does AI fit into my testing strategy? With a simple analogy of training a dog, learn how AI fits into testing.

Janna Loeffler's picture Janna Loeffler
Jeff Payne Exploring the STARWEST Conference: An Interview with Jeff Payne[interview]

Coveros CEO Jeff Payne discusses the growth of the STARWEST conference, including new networking opportunities and ways to engage with your peers throughout the event. Jeff talks about how the software testing conference has become extremely collaborative and provides so much for attendees to take back to their companies and teams.

Jennifer Bonine's picture Jennifer Bonine
Rubik's cube being solved A Tester's Role in AIOps[article]

“AIOps” stands for “artificial intelligence in IT operations,” or using machine learning and data science to solve IT problems. AI can help with many IT functions, including detecting and remediating outages, monitoring availability and performance, and IT service management. Like with DevOps, a tester plays an important part with AIOps—they just have to determine what that is.

Bhavani Ramasubbu's picture Bhavani Ramasubbu
Person looking at a bar graph for information Information Loss in Software Testing[article]

The higher you climb in the organization, the less information you get: An executive might only see red, yellow, and green for a project. Any time different teams need to communicate complex information, there is bound to be some information loss, and maybe some information control. We just need to understand where and why that happens, and—hopefully—how we can mitigate it.

Matthew Heusser's picture Matthew Heusser
Hans Buwalda Same-Sprint Automation: An Interview with Hans Buwalda[interview]

Hans Buwalda, CTO at LogiGear, discusses how to accomplish same-sprint automation. The testers, automation engineers, and developers are all working in the same sprint, so you can immediately hand off what you are working on and get it into the next phase. Hans also talks about why it’s so challenging to get teams to agree on same-sprint automation, saying the commitment for the sprint needs to come from the team as well as the business.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer
QA professionals performing continuous testing How Continuous Testing Is Done in DevOps[article]

DevOps does speed up your processes and make them more efficient, but companies must focus on quality as well as speed. QA should not live outside the DevOps environment; it should be a fundamental part. If your DevOps ambitions have started with only the development and operations teams, it’s not too late to loop in testing. You must integrate QA into the lifecycle in order to truly achieve DevOps benefits.

Junaid Ahmed's picture Junaid Ahmed
Aprajita Mathur Secrets to a Healthy Work-Life Balance: An Interview with Aprajita Mathur[interview]

Aprajita Mathur, bioinformatics software test manager at Guardant Health, discusses how to develop yourself and why it's so important to take the time to do so. She explains that your personal life will always be more significant than any work you need to get done, and she gives strategies for how to talk with your manager as well as your team when you are feeling overworked and need a break. Aprajita believes if you are self-aware and have open communication, then having these conversations will be easier and you can focus on yourself.

Owen Gotimer's picture Owen Gotimer


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