Applying Use Case-Driven Testing in Agile Development

Dean Leffingwell, Consultant

Use Cases provide a user-focused sequence of events that also can serve as a template for functional testing activity. In an agile environment, use case-based testing brings testing earlier into the process and helps teams more quickly deliver higher levels of functionality to their customers. Testing with use cases also provides early peer review for the logic of intended functions. Involving testers in use case development and harvesting use case scenarios for test case development has shown great practical benefit in numerous application development projects. Dean Leffingwell describes the use case-based testing method and highlights practical tips for applying the technique. Learn to employ use cases to express functional requirements and how use case scenarios can serve as templates for testing activities.

  • An overview of use case development practices
  • Accelerating test development with use cases
  • Tips and pitfalls in applying use case-driven testing in Agile development

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