Being There: War Stories from Collocated and Distributed Teams

Michael Feathers, Object Mentor

Since the early days of agile, we've known that face-to-face communication is optimal. In fact, one of the twelve principles in the Agile Manifesto is, “Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.” So, what are the real differences between collocated and distributed teams with the advent of “closeness” technologies-Web-based meetings, shared project whiteboards, Skype, Wikis, video conferencing, and more? Through a series of stories about teams he’s worked closely with over the past few years, Michael Feathers explores the issues surrounding team collocation. Whether you are lucky enough to have your entire agile team together or are required to work apart most or all of the time, you'll discover new ways to encourage collaboration and build personal relationships. In the end, you'll arrive at your personal understanding of what "being there" means.

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