Continuous Integration: The Cornerstone of a Great Shop

Jared Richardson, 6th Sense Analytics

Jared Richardson believes that of all the development practices being promoted today the best single practice is continuous integration. It's a simple concept-you run a software program that monitors your source code in an automated version control system. When anything changes, your code is automatically checked out, re-built, and all the automated tests are re-run. Continuous integration gives you an early warning if anything in the most recent changes broke the software. Continuous integration forces you to use 100 percent source code management and demands a solid, automated build script. It provides a framework for your automated tests to grow, live, and thrive. Continuous integration becomes a new "team member" who keeps a constant eye on your code and provides the reminders you need to keep the product solid and your team on track. Join Jared to learn the steps to introduce continuous integration into your shop and how to set it up yourself.

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