Continuous Integration to Improve Software Quality

Andrew Glover, Stelligent

The practice of continuous integration facilitates early visibility into the development process by regularly incorporating new modules into the build much earlier than the classic "big bang" integration approach. Continuous integration helps reduce the time between when a defect is coded and when it is discovered, thereby making it faster and easier to repair. Software teams see their build process as much more than a simple compile and link process because the build exposes new bugs immediately. In addition, builds can be augmented with a set of "software inspectors" that report on aspects of software quality including code complexity, duplication, dependences, and adherence to standards. Andrew Glover describes the practice of continuous integration and the tools available for both Java and .NET platforms. Learn how to interpret the data provided by software inspectors and how to make improvement actions based on that data.

  • Benefits of continuous integration for software development
  • Useful tools for achieving continuous integration
  • Interpreting and acting on the data from software inspectors

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