Gain Control over Chaotic Development Projects

Dennis Tagliabue, Dell

Testers are frequently assigned to projects in which applications are undergoing major modifications, yet documentation may be incomplete, wrong, or non-existent. With limited time, testers must rely on developers, business partners, and others to tell them what to test. The result is often an incomplete grasp of the application resulting in inadequate testing. Dennis Tagliabue shares a real-world approach that allows you to gain control over chaotic application development environment. By employing a simplified use case and scenario-based testing approach, you can develop a high-level view of the application and drive this view down to low-level reusable test cases. The emerging picture of the application reduces the future learning curve, improves communication among stakeholders, and provides a basis for test planning and estimating. All this can be accomplished without sacrificing short-term testing objectives.

  • How to employ simplified use cases to understand what to test
  • Improve overall testing coverage with scenario-based testing
  • The differences between vague mental models and formalized models

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