Half-Truths about Agile Testing

Clinton Sprauve, Borland (a Micro Focus company)

Organizations of all sizes are rapidly adopting agile application development methodologies. Because agile has primarily focused on how developers work, much of the testing community has been at a loss as to how to achieve their mission within agile. Misconceptions abound about how testing should be conducted in this new paradigm. The debate has some arguing that organizations should completely abandon traditional testing methods and tools when adopting agile. Clint Sprauve explores the half-truths of testing in agile and how they affect the testing organization's role in agile development. These half-truths include: "Testing in agile is totally different from traditional testing," "Traditional/proprietary testing tools don't work in agile projects," "Outsourcing or offshoring the testing will hurt our agile projects," and "Since everyone is responsible for quality, we don't need testing specialists." Join Clint and gain a new perspective on the reality of testing success within agile projects.

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