The Imperative of Non-Functional System Testing

Julian Harty, Commercetest Limited

Ignore or downplay non-functional system testing at your peril. A thorough, well-executed nonfunctional test plan discovers software defects usually overlooked with functional testing. From security, scalability, and usability issues to legal 508 accessibility, recovery processes and more, testing non-functional requirements can mean the difference between success and failure. Julian Harty describes key non-functional test practices and demonstrates the value of each. From the testers’ point of view, functional testing will become less valued as outsourcing, automation, and improved programming techniques combine to make functional testing less a factor. As the risks and costs of failures increase, the need for non-functional testing will continue to grow, and test engineers who have system testing experience will be more valued. Learn what it takes to become a skilled non-functional tester and how to best incorporate this testing into your test strategy.

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