Integrating Requirements-Based Tesing in the Development Process

Richard Bender, Technology Builders, Inc.

Good data feedback of software measurements is critical when analyzing measurement data, for drawing conclusions, and as the basis for taking action. Feedback to those involved in the activities being measured helps validate the data as well. In this presentation Ben Linders shows examples of how Ericsson Telecommunications delivers feedback at two levels: projects and the total development center. Although the basics are similar, the application differs, and the key success factors depend on the level and the audience. At the project level, you will see how the team reviews defect data, including defect classifications and test matrices. For development center feedback, you will see how line management and technical engineers review data and analyze information based on a balanced score card approach with measurable goals. Finally, Ben Linders shows examples, data summaries, and suggested action items that management teams from the project and development center levels review.

  • Techniques used in data feedback reporting and key success factors
  • Close the feedback loop with different levels in the organization
  • Human factors that play a role in feedback sessions

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