Managing and Eliminating Technical Debt

V. Lee Henson, VersionOne

Many organizations look at technical debt as an inevitable byproduct of developing and delivering software. They struggle with managing their existing debt as well as searching for ways to make it go away. Instead, learn how to manage and eliminate your current technical debt while avoiding additional debt in the process. Lee Henson shows how-no matter what your organizational role-to make sensible business decisions for development and avoid technical debt at the same time. Using consumer credit card debt as a comparative analytic, Lee explores ways to eliminate technical debt the same way a conscientious consumer addresses personal debt. Discover sound principles for debt relief: how to define and identify all aspects of technical debt, how to empower team members to take steps toward eliminating that debt, and steps to take to avoid future debt no matter what. Most importantly, take charge of your business model and obtain complete debt relief!

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