The Principles and Practices of Scrum

Rob Myers, Net Objectives

Scrum is best defined as an agile, lightweight process used to manage software and product development using iterative, incremental practices. Rob Myers gives a brief explanation of the philosophy behind Scrum, the Scrum method, and the roles and responsibilities of the players in a Scrum project. Scrum can be wrapped around different software engineering methodologies, including Extreme Programming (XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), spiral development, and others. Scrum practices enhance the benefits of agile development with a simple project management process. Scrum significantly increases productivity and reduces development time while facilitating adaptive systems development based on empirical data. Join Rob to learn how Scrum works, why it works, and why Scrum is becoming such a popular project management method.

  • Why Scrum works better than more traditional project management methods
  • Roles and responsibilities within the Scrum process
  • Where testing fits into a Scrum project

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