Requirements Based Testing on Agile Projects

Richard Bender, Bender RBT, Inc.

If your agile project requires documented test case specifications and automated regression testing, this session is for you. Cause-effect graphing-a technique for modeling requirements to confirm that they are consistent, complete, and accurate-can be a valuable tool for testers within agile environments. Whether the source material is story cards, use cases, or lightly documented discussions, you can use cause-effect graphing to confirm user requirements and automatically generate robust test cases. Dick Bender explains how to deal with short delivery times, rapid iterations, and the way requirements are documented and communicated on agile projects. By updating the cause-effect graphic models from sprint to sprint as requirements emerge, you can immediately regenerate the related test cases. This approach is far more workable than attempting to maintain the test specifications manually. As requirements stabilize, you can automate the tests to increase the efficiency of ongoing regression testing.

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