Risk Management--It's Not Just For Gamblers Any More

Payson Hall, Catalysis Group, Inc.

The difference between gamblers and many software managers is that gamblers know there is a good chance they will lose a bet. An intelligent blackjack player can expect to win 45-49 percent of the time; software project success rates have only recently passed the 33 percent mark. Payson Hall argues that a key to project success is improving our ability to identify and manage risks-technology risks, project risks, business risks, and more. Although risk management is an increasingly popular topic in the executive suite, talk alone does not mitigate software risks. Is risk management a fad or a discipline? How does risk affect real project outcomes? Is it worth the investment? What does effective risk management look like? Join Payson Hall as he presents practical strategies for identifying and managing real-world software risks. Learn to identify threats to your projects' success and practical strategies to mitigate those risks. Take back simple risk management strategies you can use to identify, analyze, and prioritize risks.

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