The Tester's Role in Identifying, Managing, and Eliminating Technical Debt

V. Lee Henson, AgileDad

Technical debt is a metaphor that refers to the eventual consequences of taking well-meaning shortcuts during software development. This debt attacks organizations in ways such as unachievable schedules, excessive unscheduled backlog, overwhelming defects, and poorly designed code and architecture. When organizations try to get out of debt, testers can be especially impacted. This does not have to be the case. Lee Henson explains the principles of technical debt as it affects testers. Using an example of the debt to income ratio, learn how to manage and eliminate current technical debt while avoiding additional debt in the future. Using consumer credit card debt as an analogy, you'll learn how to address business technical debt more like a consumer might address personal debt as a means to financial freedom. We will teach sound principles to adhere to in both your personal and professional lives as a way to regain focus and take charge of our destiny.

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