Testing AJAX Applications with Open Source Tools

Frank Cohen, PushToTest

AJAX testers and developers have serious challenges developing unit tests, functional tests, and load/performance tests in a time when AJAX and other Web development technologies continue to expand. Frank Cohen explains a proven methodology to identify-and solve-scalability, performance, and reliability issues in AJAX applications. Frank explains how to apply this methodology using open source testing tools, including Selenium, soapUI, TestGen4Web, PushToTest, and others. He demonstrates hands-on testing examples created with the Appcelerator and Google Widget Toolkit (GWT) frameworks. You'll also see how to construct a functional unit test for a business flow, identify ways to create operational test data at run time, validate test responses, and automate the entire test. Learn to use Firebug and Firefox to identify and instrument AJAX user interface elements. Add these new tools and methods to your toolkit for a better AJAX testing experience.

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