Testing Disasters and Turnarounds

Randy Rice, Rice Consulting Services Inc

It's good to learn from your own mistakes, but even better to learn from the mistakes of others. Randy Rice presents case studies of testing projects that have gone horribly wrong and reveals the one characteristic they all have in common. Although many of these projects ultimately ended in failure, Randy presents examples where mid-course corrective actions were very successful. Learn important lessons that address test team organization, test environment design, working with software developers, test outsourcing, test tool integration, team building, and the importance of strong leadership to the success of your testing. Find out how to become a change agent and what you need to do in order to turn around testing projects that are headed toward disaster. Avoid the mistakes of others and focus your efforts in leading your test team to get the best possible results.

  • Testing mistakes that will put your project at risk
  • Corrective actions that can save a failing test project
  • On becoming an agent for change in your test team and organization

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