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The company where I work for is adopting SCRUM as methodology for development processes. Then I have to figure out how apply testing in this methodology.

Want to know was does FUT testing consist of

I am in search of an open source tool so that I can automate testing of a Windows Desktop application.


I was just assigned recently to a new role to lead and develop a Quality Engineering Team, our first task is to conduct software testing for a reporting application that our organization is currently developing.  We already have some test plans, test cases and test steps developed (in excel format), but I was hoping if we can automate the QA testing as well as UAT using the an automated testing.  Will you be able to recommend what available software or applications we can use to do this?  

In live agile and waterfall project, how can we perform regression testing successfully ?

which test cases we need to execute and how to maintain the regression testing folder ?

should we do full regression testing or partial regression? 

how to prioritise regression testing if time is less? 

what are the best practices to successfully do regression testing in a agile project

Any test cases suggestions for the following requirement?:

User should be able to filter the date range from the drop down box. 

I have TC-1_To verify date range filter functionality in drop down box 

but I tink that's not right. Help!


User should be able to filter the date range from the drop down box. 

9 date range options available:



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Hi All ,


I am trying to look for the Chatbot testing tools in the market which are open source.

I have tried botium but the performance testing of Chatbot is only available in Software as a Service mode. I am hence trying to search for open source options ( as Apache Jmeter is open source tool for Performance testing of web application )

I'm starting to learn writing Automation Scripts in python-appium for desktop application.

Could anyone, please, share their knowledge how to handle Drop-down list item selection in Python-Appium for Desktop?

Thanks in advance.

I have been assigned with a new task infrastructure testing, which i know less about infrastructure testing. They require a test plan and test case which i think is different from the application test cases. also require the best practice regarding that type of testing.

i was attended interview in one big MNC company. there interviewer asked 'what are the challenges you facing during selenium script'. so can any one please share your experience to me. it will very helpfull for further round of interview.

Hello everyone. Please help me find a device farm. I want a farm with performance statistics collection

I see it this way - we are writing a bot that can emulate player behavior. Next, we launch these bots on the farm on devices of different tiers. The farm records fps during the game and generates a report. Next, I look at which devices we have problems with and ask them to optimize. It is important that the farm has an API, with which I would pause/unpause the FPS recording (so as not to record useless FPS drops, for example, while loading a level).


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